It's been a busy 2021, so far! I am proud to share a podcast in celebration of 2021 World Metrology Day in which I am a guest metrology subject matter expert for AASHTO, "The gold standard for laboratory accreditation in the construction industry". Check out their other resources, regardless of the industry you're in.
Let me know what you think!
Other 2021 highlights?
Conducting ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation assessments for A2LA
Presenting monthly webinars to help labs reduce risk & ensure better measurements
Teaching classes on Corrective Action/Preventive Actions, root cause analysis, etc
Presenting two papers at NCSL International 60th Anniversary Workshop & Symposium 2021
Serving the global measurement community with other world-class professionals as ASQ Measurement Quality Division Chair
Helping to update USP standards while serving at an Expert Committee Member for USP General Chapters - Measurement and Data Quality
Helping ASTM committees (as a voting member) write and update standards related to Cannabis (D37), Statistics (E11), Temperature Measurement (E20), Mechanical Testing (E28), Accreditation & Certification (E36), and Lab Apparatus (E41)
Leading the update of ASQ Press "Metrology Handbook" to its Third Edition - to be published ~April 2022
Helping consulting clients by bringing pain relief for their measurement headaches
At Heather Wade Group, we know the pain and frustration lab owners feel when doing more with fewer resources, like becoming ISO/IEC 17025 accredited. Start sleeping better and enjoying business growth when you hire Heather Wade Group as your trusted advisor to become ISO/IEC 17025 accredited.
If you or someone you know is in need of some quality or measurement assistance, contact me to get started.